Ticketing Terms and Conditions
The ticket holder hereby agrees to comply with these terms and conditions, as amended from time to time, and required by the Slovak Tennis Asociation (the “HOST”) of the Billie Jean King Cup by Gainbridge tie QUALIFIERS Slovakia – USA - DENMARK (the “Event”).
Our contract with you
1) This ticket is a personal revocable licence, is not transferable and may not be resold. Any
tickets which are transferred, advertised or offered for sale or transfer outside of any
resale platform authorised by the HOST will be void. The HOST reserves the right to
revoke the licence granted by this ticket, with or without cause, by refunding the
purchase price. No pass-outs or re-admittance are allowed.
2) The Ticket Holder assumes all risks and dangers incidental to attendance at the Event,
whether occurring prior to, during, or after a session.
3) All ticket sales for the Event are final, without refund or exchange. The Ticket Holder is
responsible for lost, misplaced or stolen tickets.
4) Tickets may not be issued for advertising, promotional (including contests and
sweepstakes) or other trade purposes.
Your behaviour at the Event
5) The Ticket Holder consents to careful search and inspection for and/or confiscation of
prohibited items. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: bottles, cans, alcoholic
beverages, signs, broadcast quality video/motion picture cameras and recorders, camera
lenses exceeding 300mm in focal length, umbrellas, fireworks and smoke bombs.
Persons under the influence of alcohol will not be permitted to enter the licensed
6) The Ticket Holder must not carry into the licensed premises any political, promotional or
advertising material or signage which can be seen by others at the Event.
7) The Ticket Holder must follow the reasonable instructions of the HOST, its staff or
agents, in relation to security and crowd control.
8) The Ticket Holder must comply with the “HEALTH AND SAFETY PROTOCOLS FOR
9) The Ticket Holder must comply with any policies of the HOST communicated in advance
of the Events and as amended from time to time in respect of the possession and use of
musical instruments at the Events.
10) Ticket Holders are not permitted to distribute literature or other materials or to sell or
distribute merchandise at the licensed premises.
11) No Ticket Holder or spectator may collect, disseminate, transmit, publish or release from
the grounds of the Event any match scores or related statistical data during match play
(from the commencement of a match until its conclusion) for any commercial or gambling
12) No person (other than a person who holds an appropriate licence from ITF Licensing (UK)
Ltd, t/a the International Tennis Federation (“ITFL”), may bring into the Event venue or
use within the Event venue any equipment which is capable of logging, recording,
transmitting or otherwise communicating (by digital or other means) any audio, visual or
audio-visual material or any information or data in relation to the Event or the Event
venue. Copyright in any unauthorised recording or transmission is assigned to ITFL. For
the avoidance of doubt, mobile telephones and other mobile devices are permitted within
the Event Venue provided that: (a) they are used for personal and private use only, and
not during match play; and (b) no material of moving images containing any match action
that are captured by a mobile telephone or other mobile device may be published or
otherwise made available to any third parties including, without limitation, via social
networking sites.
Publicity and Promotion
13) By entering the Event venue, the Ticket Holder consents to being photographed, filmed
and recorded in or around the Event venue. The Ticket Holder grants irrevocable
permission to the HOST and ITFL and each of their assignees, licensees, commercial
partners and media agencies to use in their sole discretion any such film, image or
recording, (including the Ticket Holder’s voice, image and likeness), for any purpose
including broadcasting and commercial purposes without compensation or further notice.
Ticket Holders acknowledge that any such use under this condition, and their agreement
to such use, shall last in perpetuity. All Ticket Holders accept and acknowledge that it is
in HOST and ITFL’s legitimate interests to use and publish the film, images or recordings
in this manner (including, without limitation, any personal data contained therein) as they
require the ability to: (i) publish, display, sell and distribute the Event by means of film,
television, radio, print media, internet, publicity material (or any other media now known
or in the future); and (ii) use film, images and recordings for safety and security,
promotional, training, editorial or marketing purposes by the HOST and/or ITFL, as
determined in each of their sole discretion (including commercial partners and accredited
media organisations).
More information on how the HOST processes your personal data can be found in
the HOST’s Privacy Notice, as amended from time to time.
More information on how ITFL processes your personal data can be found in the ITFL’s
PRIVACY NOTICE, as amended from time to time. [IF PRINTED, INCLUDE THIS LINK:
Persons or entities other than the HOST and ITFL may rely on this clause, even though
they are not a party to this agreement.
Our rights to make changes
14) The date, time and location of any Event session is subject to change without notice. In
the event of cancellation, any processing and handling fees are not refundable. The
Ticket Holder is reminded that the Event is a sporting event, and is subject to variation
without notice (e.g. adverse weather conditions, player injury, etc.).
15) The Event is played subject to the Event’s Regulations (as found on the ITF’s website,
www.billiejeankingcup.com) as well as any variations or trials that may be in place, and
the HOST and ITFL shall have no liability to the Ticket Holder where the Event is varied
pursuant to those Regulations. In particular, the Ticket Holder’s attention is drawn to the
“dead match policy” which is applied when a tie is won in less than five matches. Pursuant
to that policy and the Regulations in full, the Ticket Holder accepts that the actual number
of matches played in any session may not reflect the advertised number of matches.
16) Neither the HOST nor ITFL shall be liable for any refund, loss (including indirect or
consequential loss), damage or expense caused by cancellation, curtailment or change
of schedule of the Event because of government action, strike, civil commotion, national
disaster or other force majeure or cause beyond the reasonable control of the HOST or
Other important clauses
17) HOST reserves the right to refuse admission to the Event venue, or to immediately
remove any person from the venue for reasons of: public safety; unacceptable behaviour
likely to cause damage, nuisance or injury; or breach of these terms and conditions, the
18) If any dispute arises regarding a ticket or attendance at the Event, the Ticket Holder may
want to contact the alternative dispute resolution provider used by the HOST. Ticket
Holders can email the HOST at ticket@stz.sk for further details about alternative
dispute resolution. If a Ticket Holder is not satisfied with the outcome of any alternative
dispute resolution process, the Ticket Holder and HOST shall settle their dispute by
arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [NA arbitration body].
Ticket Holders acknowledge that the HOST and ITFL may use any information provided
by Ticket Holders for the purpose of processing ticket sales, delivering the Event and for
the enforcement of their respective legal rights.
Ticketing Terms and Conditions
The ticket holder hereby agrees to comply with these terms and conditions, as amended from time to time, and required by the Slovak Tennis Asociation (the “HOST”) of the Billie Jean King Cup by Gainbridge tie Slovakia vs. Slovenia (the “Event”).
Our contract with you
1) This ticket is a personal revocable licence, is not transferable and may not be resold. Any
tickets which are transferred, advertised or offered for sale or transfer outside of any
resale platform authorised by the HOST will be void. The HOST reserves the right to
revoke the licence granted by this ticket, with or without cause, by refunding the
purchase price. No pass-outs or re-admittance are allowed.
2) The Ticket Holder assumes all risks and dangers incidental to attendance at the Event,
whether occurring prior to, during, or after a session.
3) All ticket sales for the Event are final, without refund or exchange. The Ticket Holder is
responsible for lost, misplaced or stolen tickets.
4) Tickets may not be issued for advertising, promotional (including contests and
sweepstakes) or other trade purposes.
Your behaviour at the Event
5) The Ticket Holder consents to careful search and inspection for and/or confiscation of
prohibited items. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: bottles, cans, alcoholic
beverages, signs, broadcast quality video/motion picture cameras and recorders, camera
lenses exceeding 300mm in focal length, umbrellas, fireworks and smoke bombs.
Persons under the influence of alcohol will not be permitted to enter the licensed
6) The Ticket Holder must not carry into the licensed premises any political, promotional or
advertising material or signage which can be seen by others at the Event.
7) The Ticket Holder must follow the reasonable instructions of the HOST, its staff or
agents, in relation to security and crowd control.
8) The Ticket Holder must comply with the “HEALTH AND SAFETY PROTOCOLS FOR
9) The Ticket Holder must comply with any policies of the HOST communicated in advance
of the Events and as amended from time to time in respect of the possession and use of
musical instruments at the Events.
10) Ticket Holders are not permitted to distribute literature or other materials or to sell or
distribute merchandise at the licensed premises.
11) No Ticket Holder or spectator may collect, disseminate, transmit, publish or release from
the grounds of the Event any match scores or related statistical data during match play
(from the commencement of a match until its conclusion) for any commercial or gambling
12) No person (other than a person who holds an appropriate licence from ITF Licensing (UK)
Ltd, t/a the International Tennis Federation (“ITFL”), may bring into the Event venue or
use within the Event venue any equipment which is capable of logging, recording,
transmitting or otherwise communicating (by digital or other means) any audio, visual or
audio-visual material or any information or data in relation to the Event or the Event
venue. Copyright in any unauthorised recording or transmission is assigned to ITFL. For
the avoidance of doubt, mobile telephones and other mobile devices are permitted within
the Event Venue provided that: (a) they are used for personal and private use only, and
not during match play; and (b) no material of moving images containing any match action
that are captured by a mobile telephone or other mobile device may be published or
otherwise made available to any third parties including, without limitation, via social
networking sites.
Publicity and Promotion
13) By entering the Event venue, the Ticket Holder consents to being photographed, filmed
and recorded in or around the Event venue. The Ticket Holder grants irrevocable
permission to the HOST and ITFL and each of their assignees, licensees, commercial
partners and media agencies to use in their sole discretion any such film, image or
recording, (including the Ticket Holder’s voice, image and likeness), for any purpose
including broadcasting and commercial purposes without compensation or further notice.
Ticket Holders acknowledge that any such use under this condition, and their agreement
to such use, shall last in perpetuity. All Ticket Holders accept and acknowledge that it is
in HOST and ITFL’s legitimate interests to use and publish the film, images or recordings
in this manner (including, without limitation, any personal data contained therein) as they
require the ability to: (i) publish, display, sell and distribute the Event by means of film,
television, radio, print media, internet, publicity material (or any other media now known
or in the future); and (ii) use film, images and recordings for safety and security,
promotional, training, editorial or marketing purposes by the HOST and/or ITFL, as
determined in each of their sole discretion (including commercial partners and accredited
media organisations).
More information on how the HOST processes your personal data can be found in
the HOST’s Privacy Notice, as amended from time to time.
More information on how ITFL processes your personal data can be found in the ITFL’s
PRIVACY NOTICE, as amended from time to time. [IF PRINTED, INCLUDE THIS LINK:
Persons or entities other than the HOST and ITFL may rely on this clause, even though
they are not a party to this agreement.
Our rights to make changes
14) The date, time and location of any Event session is subject to change without notice. In
the event of cancellation, any processing and handling fees are not refundable. The
Ticket Holder is reminded that the Event is a sporting event, and is subject to variation
without notice (e.g. adverse weather conditions, player injury, etc.).
15) The Event is played subject to the Event’s Regulations (as found on the ITF’s website,
www.billiejeankingcup.com) as well as any variations or trials that may be in place, and
the HOST and ITFL shall have no liability to the Ticket Holder where the Event is varied
pursuant to those Regulations. In particular, the Ticket Holder’s attention is drawn to the
“dead match policy” which is applied when a tie is won in less than five matches. Pursuant
to that policy and the Regulations in full, the Ticket Holder accepts that the actual number
of matches played in any session may not reflect the advertised number of matches.
16) Neither the HOST nor ITFL shall be liable for any refund, loss (including indirect or
consequential loss), damage or expense caused by cancellation, curtailment or change
of schedule of the Event because of government action, strike, civil commotion, national
disaster or other force majeure or cause beyond the reasonable control of the HOST or
Other important clauses
17) HOST reserves the right to refuse admission to the Event venue, or to immediately
remove any person from the venue for reasons of: public safety; unacceptable behaviour
likely to cause damage, nuisance or injury; or breach of these terms and conditions, the
18) If any dispute arises regarding a ticket or attendance at the Event, the Ticket Holder may
want to contact the alternative dispute resolution provider used by the HOST. Ticket
Holders can email the HOST at ticket@stz.sk for further details about alternative
dispute resolution. If a Ticket Holder is not satisfied with the outcome of any alternative
dispute resolution process, the Ticket Holder and HOST shall settle their dispute by
arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [NA arbitration body].
Ticket Holders acknowledge that the HOST and ITFL may use any information provided
by Ticket Holders for the purpose of processing ticket sales, delivering the Event and for
the enforcement of their respective legal rights.
Představení se koná v Amfiteátru Trnava (Slovensko), jež se nachází na adrese Halenárska 20, 917 01 Trnava, Slovensko.
Areál se otevírá vždy 1 hodinu před začátkem představení, tedy v 19:00.
Parkování je možné v City Areně, kde jsou v pracovní dny první 2 hodiny zdarma, třetí hodina za 1,5 € a každá další za 3 €. Sobota, neděle a svátky zdarma. Parkoviště je hned u Amfiteátru, pěšky jen přes ulici.
Vstupenku můžete ukázat v tištěné podobě nebo elektornicky = na displeji svého mobilu, tabletu.
V areálu je možnost zakoupit drobné občerstvení, víno, nealko. Vše k dispozici hodinu před představením.
⭐️ Navíc se můžete těšit na:
koncert Led Zeppelin Symphonic, pondelok 15/05/2023 NTC ARÉNA BRATISLAVA
Do priestorov NTC arény je vstup možný len s platnou vstupenkou. K dispozícii bude hlavný vchod a bočné vchody z Príkopovej ulice.
Prístup pre zdravotne hendikepovaných a ich sprievod cez hlavnú recepciu arény. Pri vstupe do sály je potrebné sa preukázať preukazom ZŤP/ ZŤP-S.
Podzemné parkovisko NTC EBRATISLAVA nie je počas koncertu k dispozícii, možnosť parkovania v podzemnej garáži Zimného štadióna Ondreja Nepelu a v priľahlých uličkách. Odporúčame využiť mestskú hromadnú dopravu (www.imhd.sk) alebo služby TAXI.
Počas koncertu platí zákaz fotografovania s bleskom!
Pre návštevníkov platí prísny zákaz vnášania alkoholu, jedla, omamných látok, fliaš a iných sklenených predmetov, zbraní, kamier a predmetov ohrozujúcich bezpečnosť ostatných návštevníkov v NTC ARÉNE BRATISLAVA.
🔴 PRVÁ POMOC sa bude nachádzať priamo vo vnútri arény a bude označená symbolom, z vonkajšej strany -pri vstupnej bráne do NTC arény bude pristavené aj vozidlo ZÁCHRANNEJ SLUŽBY.
Ďakujeme za porozumenie a prajeme príjemný rockový zážitok!
JVS GROUP s.r.o. -usporiadateľ
Steel Aréna, Nerudova 12, 040 01Košice
18.30 hod. otvorenie brán
Do priestorov arény je vstup možný len s platnou vstupenkou. Vstup do všetkých sektorov arény je zo Štúrovej ulice. Imobilní návštevníci použijú špeciálne označený vchod v časti A (pravé/západné krídlo) odkiaľ sa do svojho sektoru presunú výťahom. Držitelia VIP balíčkov (vstupeniek) budú mať samostatne vyznačený vchod v časti A (pravé/západné krídlo).
Parkovacie miesta sa nachádzajú priamo v Parkovacom dome pri aréne. Odporúčame využiť mestskú hromadnú dopravu, taxi služby a priľahlé uličky.
Počas predstavenia platí prísny zákaz fotografovania a filmovania profesionálnou technikou.
Pre návštevníkov platí prísny zákaz vnášania alkoholu, jedla, omamných látok, fliaš a iných sklenených predmetov, zbraní, kamier, fotoaparátov a predmetov ohrozujúcich bezpečnosť ostatných návštevníkov do priestorov arény.
Ďakujeme za porozumenie a prajeme príjemný hudobný zážitok!
Ticketing Terms and Conditions
The ticket holder hereby agrees to comply with these terms and conditions, as amended from time to time, and required by the Slovak Tennis Asociation (the “HOST”) of the Billie Jean King Cup by Gainbridge tie Slovakia vs. Italy (the “Event”).
Our contract with you
1) This ticket is a personal revocable licence, is not transferable and may not be resold. Any
tickets which are transferred, advertised or offered for sale or transfer outside of any
resale platform authorised by the HOST will be void. The HOST reserves the right to
revoke the licence granted by this ticket, with or without cause, by refunding the
purchase price. No pass-outs or re-admittance are allowed.
2) The Ticket Holder assumes all risks and dangers incidental to attendance at the Event,
whether occurring prior to, during, or after a session.
3) All ticket sales for the Event are final, without refund or exchange. The Ticket Holder is
responsible for lost, misplaced or stolen tickets.
4) Tickets may not be issued for advertising, promotional (including contests and
sweepstakes) or other trade purposes.
Your behaviour at the Event
5) The Ticket Holder consents to careful search and inspection for and/or confiscation of
prohibited items. Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: bottles, cans, alcoholic
beverages, signs, broadcast quality video/motion picture cameras and recorders, camera
lenses exceeding 300mm in focal length, umbrellas, fireworks and smoke bombs.
Persons under the influence of alcohol will not be permitted to enter the licensed
6) The Ticket Holder must not carry into the licensed premises any political, promotional or
advertising material or signage which can be seen by others at the Event.
7) The Ticket Holder must follow the reasonable instructions of the HOST, its staff or
agents, in relation to security and crowd control.
8) The Ticket Holder must comply with the “HEALTH AND SAFETY PROTOCOLS FOR
9) The Ticket Holder must comply with any policies of the HOST communicated in advance
of the Events and as amended from time to time in respect of the possession and use of
musical instruments at the Events.
10) Ticket Holders are not permitted to distribute literature or other materials or to sell or
distribute merchandise at the licensed premises.
11) No Ticket Holder or spectator may collect, disseminate, transmit, publish or release from
the grounds of the Event any match scores or related statistical data during match play
(from the commencement of a match until its conclusion) for any commercial or gambling
12) No person (other than a person who holds an appropriate licence from ITF Licensing (UK)
Ltd, t/a the International Tennis Federation (“ITFL”), may bring into the Event venue or
use within the Event venue any equipment which is capable of logging, recording,
transmitting or otherwise communicating (by digital or other means) any audio, visual or
audio-visual material or any information or data in relation to the Event or the Event
venue. Copyright in any unauthorised recording or transmission is assigned to ITFL. For
the avoidance of doubt, mobile telephones and other mobile devices are permitted within
the Event Venue provided that: (a) they are used for personal and private use only, and
not during match play; and (b) no material of moving images containing any match action
that are captured by a mobile telephone or other mobile device may be published or
otherwise made available to any third parties including, without limitation, via social
networking sites.
Publicity and Promotion
13) By entering the Event venue, the Ticket Holder consents to being photographed, filmed
and recorded in or around the Event venue. The Ticket Holder grants irrevocable
permission to the HOST and ITFL and each of their assignees, licensees, commercial
partners and media agencies to use in their sole discretion any such film, image or
recording, (including the Ticket Holder’s voice, image and likeness), for any purpose
including broadcasting and commercial purposes without compensation or further notice.
Ticket Holders acknowledge that any such use under this condition, and their agreement
to such use, shall last in perpetuity. All Ticket Holders accept and acknowledge that it is
in HOST and ITFL’s legitimate interests to use and publish the film, images or recordings
in this manner (including, without limitation, any personal data contained therein) as they
require the ability to: (i) publish, display, sell and distribute the Event by means of film,
television, radio, print media, internet, publicity material (or any other media now known
or in the future); and (ii) use film, images and recordings for safety and security,
promotional, training, editorial or marketing purposes by the HOST and/or ITFL, as
determined in each of their sole discretion (including commercial partners and accredited
media organisations).
More information on how the HOST processes your personal data can be found in
the HOST’s Privacy Notice, as amended from time to time.
More information on how ITFL processes your personal data can be found in the ITFL’s
PRIVACY NOTICE, as amended from time to time. [IF PRINTED, INCLUDE THIS LINK:
Persons or entities other than the HOST and ITFL may rely on this clause, even though
they are not a party to this agreement.
Our rights to make changes
14) The date, time and location of any Event session is subject to change without notice. In
the event of cancellation, any processing and handling fees are not refundable. The
Ticket Holder is reminded that the Event is a sporting event, and is subject to variation
without notice (e.g. adverse weather conditions, player injury, etc.).
15) The Event is played subject to the Event’s Regulations (as found on the ITF’s website,
www.billiejeankingcup.com) as well as any variations or trials that may be in place, and
the HOST and ITFL shall have no liability to the Ticket Holder where the Event is varied
pursuant to those Regulations. In particular, the Ticket Holder’s attention is drawn to the
“dead match policy” which is applied when a tie is won in less than five matches. Pursuant
to that policy and the Regulations in full, the Ticket Holder accepts that the actual number
of matches played in any session may not reflect the advertised number of matches.
16) Neither the HOST nor ITFL shall be liable for any refund, loss (including indirect or
consequential loss), damage or expense caused by cancellation, curtailment or change
of schedule of the Event because of government action, strike, civil commotion, national
disaster or other force majeure or cause beyond the reasonable control of the HOST or
Other important clauses
17) HOST reserves the right to refuse admission to the Event venue, or to immediately
remove any person from the venue for reasons of: public safety; unacceptable behaviour
likely to cause damage, nuisance or injury; or breach of these terms and conditions, the
18) If any dispute arises regarding a ticket or attendance at the Event, the Ticket Holder may
want to contact the alternative dispute resolution provider used by the HOST. Ticket
Holders can email the HOST at ticket@stz.sk for further details about alternative
dispute resolution. If a Ticket Holder is not satisfied with the outcome of any alternative
dispute resolution process, the Ticket Holder and HOST shall settle their dispute by
arbitration in accordance with the rules of the [NA arbitration body].
Ticket Holders acknowledge that the HOST and ITFL may use any information provided
by Ticket Holders for the purpose of processing ticket sales, delivering the Event and for
the enforcement of their respective legal rights.
koncert Mireille Mathieu, utorok 18/10/2022 NTC ARÉNA BRATISLAVA
Do priestorov NTC arény je vstup možný len s platnou vstupenkou. K dispozícii bude hlavný vchod a bočné vchody z Príkopovej ulice.
Prístup pre zdravotne hendikepovaných a ich sprievod cez hlavnú recepciu arény. Pri vstupe do sály je potrebné sa preukázať preukazom ZŤP/ ZŤP-S.
Podzemné parkovisko NTC EBRATISLAVA nie je počas koncertu k dispozícii, možnosť parkovania v podzemnej garáži Zimného štadióna Ondreja Nepelu a v priľahlých uličkách. Odporúčame využiť mestskú hromadnú dopravu (www.imhd.sk) alebo služby TAXI.
Počas koncertu platí zákaz fotografovania s bleskom!
Pre návštevníkov platí prísny zákaz vnášania alkoholu, jedla, omamných látok, fliaš a iných sklenených predmetov, zbraní, kamier a predmetov ohrozujúcich bezpečnosť ostatných návštevníkov v NTC ARÉNE BRATISLAVA.
🔴 ŠATŇA bude k dispozícii vo vstupnom foajé arény (hlavný vchod + vchod k tribúnam).
🔴 PRVÁ POMOC sa bude nachádzať priamo vo vnútri arény a bude označená symbolom.
Ďakujeme za porozumenie a prajeme príjemný hudobný zážitok!
JVS GROUP s.r.o. -usporiadateľ
INFORMÁCIE K PODUJATIU STING – 28. 9. 2022 (streda)
Steel Aréna, Nerudova 12, 040 01Košice
19.00 hod. otvorenie brán
20.00 hod. Joe Sumner
20.45 hod. STING
Do priestorov arény je vstup možný len s platnou vstupenkou. Vstup do všetkých sektorov arény je zo Štúrovej ulice. Imobilní návštevníci použijú špeciálne označený vchod v časti A (pravé/západné krídlo) odkiaľ sa do svojho sektoru presunú výťahom.
Všetky vstupenky zakúpené na predchádzajúce dátumy podujatia (13.3.2022, 4.10.2021 a 8.10.2020), zostávajú v platnosti na dátum 28.9.2022 a nie je potrebné ich vymieňať.
Parkovacie miesta sa nachádzajú priamo v Parkovacom dome pri aréne. Odporúčame využiť mestskú hromadnú dopravu, taxi služby a priľahlé uličky.
Počas predstavenia platí prísny zákaz fotografovania a filmovania profesionálnou technikou.
Pre návštevníkov platí prísny zákaz vnášania alkoholu, jedla, omamných látok, fliaš a iných sklenených predmetov, zbraní, kamier, fotoaparátov a predmetov ohrozujúcich bezpečnosť ostatných návštevníkov do priestorov arény.
ŠATŇA nie je k dispozícii.
Ďakujeme za porozumenie a prajeme príjemný hudobný zážitok!
„Po kariére, ktorá trvala takmer päť desaťročí, sme sa rozhodli na konci roka 2021 uzavrieť kapitolu Opus. Ako rakúska kapela sme mali neuveriteľný národný a medzinárodný úspech a sme veľmi hrdí a vďační, že sme s našou kapelou urobili radosť toľkým miliónom ľudí. hudba.
Teraz však nastal čas rozlúčiť sa, čas, ktorý chceme s našimi fanúšikmi osláviť posledným skvelým dielom – dvojCD a fanbox OPUS MAGNUM vyjde v novembri 2020 – a veľa koncertov do konca roka 2021!
Po viac ako 1500 predstaveniach, na vrchole našich tvorivých síl, zo seba opäť vydáme maximum až do úplne posledného koncertu 21. decembra 2021 v Opere v Grazi!
Prvou hudobnou rozlúčkou je singel „Made My Day“, ktorý je v pozitívnom reggae štýle, ale aj v osvedčenom zvuku Opus a vyšiel 28.08.2020. “
Vyjadrenie organizátora:
Veľmi nás to mrzí ale napriek nášmu snahe presvedčiť skupinu Opus na ešte jedno vystúpenie v roku 2022, manažment nám to jednoznačne zamietol, skupina ukončila svoju kariéru k decembri 2021 a za žiadnych podmienok nebude vstupovať ďalej.
Skúsili sme ešte raz presvedčiť aj manažment aj speváka či by predsa len neprišiel zaspievať aspoň jeden hit „Life is Life“ na bratislavský koncert pána Michala Davida, ale dostali sme odpoveď ze sa skupina interne dohodla že nikto z členov ani samostatne nemôže už v žiadnom znení . interpretovať pesnicky skupiny Opus.
Do areálu festivalu je zakázané priniesť si nasledovné predmety:
· Profesionálny ani poloprofesionálny fotoaparát alebo videokameru. Fotenie a natáčanie bude umožnené len na mobilný telefón
· Zariadenia na nahrávanie zvuku, „selfie“ tyče, iPady, drony, ohňostroje, potraviny, plechovky, fľaše (sklenené alebo plastové), laserové ukazovacie zariadenia , zbrane, veľké reťaze, náramky s hrotmi, retiazky na peňaženky, ladvinky
· Ruksaky jediné akceptované ruksaky sú vo veľkosti kabelky, t.j. 20x20x20cm.
· Jedlo a nápoje. V areáli festivalu bude zabezpečené dostatočné množstvo stánkov s občerstvením. V prípade ľudí s potravinovými alergiami je možné vziať si jedlo so sebou v menšom množstve. Samozrejme, je potrebné mať pri sebe doklad s potvrdením o špeciálnych stravovacích potrebách.
Všetky ostatné dôležité informácie nájdete tu: https://lovestream.sk/faq/.
Harmonogram festivalových dní: https://lovestream.sk/info/
Šikovné tipy na dopravu počas festivalu: https://lovestream.sk/doprava/
What items are prohibited at the festival?
Professional or semi-professional camera or video camera to the festival area. Photography and filming will only be possible on a mobile phone.
Audio recording devices, “selfie” sticks, iPad’s, drones, fireworks, food, cans, bottles (glass or plastic), laser pointing devices, weapons, large chains, spiked bracelets, wallet chains, waist packs
Backpacks. The only accepted backpacks are the ones in the size of handbag, it is 20x20x20 centimeters.
Food and drinks. A sufficient number of refreshment stands will be provided in the festival area. In the case of people with food allergies, it is possible to take food with you in smaller quantities. Of course, it is necessary to have some document as the proof of the special dietary needs.
You can find all important information here: https://lovestream.sk/en/faq-2/
Timetable of festival days: https://lovestream.sk/en/info-2/
Handy tips on transport during the festival: https://lovestream.sk/doprava/